We had another amazing Congreso this year in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon! In all, 76 new believers stood up to be water baptized in the Chambira River in front of the 1,864 conference attenders, from 56 villages. Our team of 72 was fantastic in every area of ministry: medical/dental clinic, children’s ministry, speakers/teachers, kitchen, and so much more. Every need was supplied, every villager was fed (over 25,000 meals), and the boats were sent home with sufficient fuel to return. We have been truly blessed by what the Lord has done through us and inside of us, and we pray these photos inspire more people from around the world to get involved in our ministry!
Be sure to check out the XVI Congreso Photo Album on our Facebook Page that we uploaded right before this post! Contact us if you would like to learn more or donate to our ministry! Also, “Like” our Facebook Page at Missions in the Amazon, and “Follow Us” on Instagram (mia4good) and Twitter (MIAinPeru). Finally, be looking for videos in the next few weeks on our Youtube Channel: Missions in the Amazon!